Attention our guests

All prices are based on the "Standard" rate; for one adult and two children (under 10 years old) for period from three nights and more!

Accommodation for one or two nights - tariff "Short-time" (non-refundable)

  • one night + 25%
  • two nights +15%
  • we do not provide extra beds or cots
  • a recalculation will be made upon moving into the apartment

Accommodation for 5 or more nights

  • If you are staying for more nights, the price of accommodation will be lowered. Traiff "Profit"
  • At the same time, the tariff is non-refundable (100% prepayment for the entire period with the impossibility of free cancelation).
  • It is possible to cancel the rate "Profit" and use the rate "Standard" (Prepayment for 1st night only. With the possibility of free cancellation 3 days or earlier before the expected arrival date)

Accommodating more guests

  • for 2 adults - the price increases by 20%
  • if you accommodate 3 adults - the price increases by 35%
  • if the total number of adults increases up to 4 - 5 people (depending on the layout of the apartments), the amount will increase according to the invoiced amount. On average, the increase is up to 50% of the original amount
  • the total number of children (5 to 12 years old) must not exceed three persons* (*depending on the layout of the selected apartments). In this case, the price increases by 18%
  • Children under 5 years stay free of charge with adults
  • we do not provide extra beds or cots
  • a recalculation will be made upon moving into the apartment

Very important information for our guests!

The hour of reckoning is considered to be from 13:00 to 11:00 the following day. Regardless of when you move into your chosen apartment.

All of our flats are smoke free areas. According to the Tobacco Law; persons are subject to an administrative fine for violating this law.

Final cleaning fee (6 500 KZT) is a prerequisite, the price of which is NOT included in the price of the accommodation and is added to the final price for the selected period of time.

List of documents to be submitted for reporting

  • Payment invoice;
  • fiscal cheque;
  • cash receipt;
  • tax invoice;
  • act of services rendered.

Accommodation with a pet

Accommodation and accommodation of guests with their pets is possible only upon prior agreement with the administration. The cost of accommodation together with a pet may increase from 20% to 100% (at the discretion of the administration) for the entire period of stay.

The management has the right to refuse the guest's stay (without refunding the prepayment or payment) if the guest has not obtained the pet's consent, thereby violating the terms and conditions of the accommodation.

If a pet is accepted, the guest is required to leave a deposit as an insurance against possible damage. The amount of the deposit is agreed on a case-by-case basis.